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Saturday, July 12, 2014

52 Weeks of 2014 - Week 27

In my family, we take our sparklers very seriously.

As I've mentioned in the past, in my family we take our sparklers very seriously. My grandfather just loved them, so each 4th of July we light 'em up in his honor.


Here's Lauren perfecting the patented "Pranty Twirl."

Happy sparkler girl.

The "other" Lauren getting indoctrinated into our family's obsession.

 Mystery man.

Yes, it gets a little intense. Thankfully, he hasn't attempted fire eating. Yet.

 There she blows!

Craig "Pyromaniac" Cathell supervising the annual backyard fireworks show.

4th of July chalkboard.

We couldn't have asked for a better Independence Day. This year the weather was perfect, I had no food crises and all of our friends and family were in attendance. And because the 4th fell on a Friday, I could actually have the party on the holiday. So we were able to even close the evening with everyone joining us for our community's firework show.

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