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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fruits of my labor.

The fruits of my labor.

Ugh...I am so behind on everything. I still haven't gone through the photos from Lauren's birthday party, but I swear that I'll upload them before she graduates high school. Meanwhile, I figured we could celebrate Mother's Day in a timely manner.

Homemade Mother's Day Gifts

Mark and Lauren couldn't wait to give me my presents, so actually received these yesterday. At preschool, Lauren made me a card, a potted plant (That they actually planted on Earth Day - the preschool got a two-for-one out of that craft.) and an oh-so-stylish bag (Look out Coach!).

Store-bought Mother's Day gifts.

Mark gave me two books that I've been wanting.The Cook's Country Cookbook contains recipes for every home cooked dish you can possibly imagine, plus really neat tidbits of the history behind the recipe. It even has the recipe for my favorite dessert - Strawberry Poke Cake! There are so many others that I can't wait to try. When I do I'll be sure to post photos of the finished product.

The other book is pretty self explanatory. I haven't had a chance to look at it, but if it's like the other Martha encyclopedias (I have both the homekeeping and crafts ones), I'm sure it's awesome. By the way, look at Martha sitting at that sewing machine. That is *exactly* how I look sitting at mine. Except I'm a lot sweatier. And I look like I'm going to kill someone with my bare hands.

Me & my only son on Mother's Day.

Lastly, here I am with my favorite (only) son. He's actually a daddy's boy, but what can you do?

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