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Monday, August 9, 2010

Reunited and it feels so good.


Some of you long time blog readers may remember that Lauren had quite a fixation with Toy Story when she was around two years old.

Posing with Buzz

Okay, Buzz Lightyear in particular.

So when Toy Story 3 came out, we just had to go see it together.

Lauren and Daddy acting out Toy Story style adventures.

And wouldn't you know it? Afterward, Lauren invited some old friends out to play.

Reunited and it feels so good.

It was just like old times.

(Side note: I think I must be losing it, because the ending of Toy Story 3 had me bauling. Those Pixar peeps really know how to pull at the heartstrings. Plus, that Bonnie was just too adorable. I want a Bonnie!)

This weekend, we spent a simply marvelous day in Ohio. As usual, I have a gazillion photos to sort through, but I promise that I will work hard and get them up here in a timely manner. You won't want to miss it!

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