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Monday, July 23, 2007

Back amongst the living.

Around 11:30 last evening, I finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Mark walked in the room the exact moment I closed the book and asked if I was finished. When I said "yes," he replied, " Good. You can start talking to me again."

It's okay though, since he's used to being neglected for a day or so every couple of years when a new HP book is released. Although I must admit that it was getting a little extreme, as Lauren kept telling me "Mommy read Harry Potter book," everytime she was in my vicinity.

I'm still trying to figure where Deathly Hallows fits in my person ranking of the seven books. At first, I thought that it was my new favorite, but really I think it's tied for second with Order of the Phoenix. Prisoner of Azkaban remains my favorite, because it was the last book which still had a sense of innocence about it and a pretty much singular focus on boarding school life (When I was young, I used to dream of going to boarding school, so I especially love this aspect of the books. What can I say - back then I was under the extreme influence of The Facts of Life.). After PoA, the story takes a very heavy turn, so much that comparing any of the last four books with the first three is almost like apples to oranges.

Nonetheless, DH does contain my absolute favorite moment in the entire series, which occurs on page 658 in Snape's words to Harry (If you haven't read the book and intend to, please don't go to that page because it contains a major spoiler!), as well as my favorite quote: "You know, I sometimes think we sort too soon..." Indeed, Dumbledore, indeed.

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