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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What makes us happy.

New hydrangea bushes.

On Monday, Mark called me on the way to pick me up from work. He sounded very chipper, which was odd because having to fight his way through traffic to come get me usually puts him a grim mood.

As soon as he pulled up, I realized why he was so happy. The entire back seat of our car was filled with hydrangeas.

My arsenal.

Inspired by some new finds, I decided to organize my cosmetics. The task was long overdue in my eyes, as I hadn't gone through my makeup in well over a year. This may seem mundane, but to me, organizing is a like creating a work of art. There aren't many things that I can claim without reservation that I excel at, but organizing would be included in that short list. And because of it, each morning of this week I've put on my makeup with a little more zeal.

Happy Lauren.

As for what makes us both happy, well, I think that's easy to see.

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