Because I haven't shared anything scrapbooking related for a while now, it probably seems like I've given up scrapbooking for other crafts. Not so! Although I must admit that I haven't devoting time to it like I should. Even if I don't make anything, I still like to keep track of funny / cute things that Lauren does so that I can revisit them when the urge to scrapbook strikes.
For example, take this little project. I've had the idea for this album written down for almost a year, but I didn't actually make until about a month ago. It took me about a weekend to complete from start to finish. I'm glad I stuck with it, because if I take a break from a project, I have a tendency to not to finish it. Someday you may see the wedding shower album that I started in January. Someday.
The entire album is made from a kit produced by SEI called Penelope's Potpourri. SEI is another favorite of mine, and I have a nice collection of their papers. The album itself, made by John Porter Everyday Archives, was purchased at a dollar store about two years ago. I bought seven that day, but now I wish I cleaned the store out because they really come in handy. This is the third album I've made so far.
I customized the cover myself. I glued squares of paper to a piece of cardboard and used Modge Podge to give it a finished look.
The dedication inside reads: "To Lauren: Some say that being two is terrible, but I think that being two is pretty darn wonderful. Love, Mommy"
Here are some sample pages. Note the repetitive use of "Being two..." is my own little tribute to my favorite book, Happiness is a Warm Puppy, by one of the wisest men who ever walked this earth, Charles Schultz.

Being two means "No" is not just a word, it's a way of life.

Being two means you're not only old enough to eat cookies, but you are also old enough to make them.

Being two means proving that man can indeed live by bread alone, and grow inches while doing it.

Being two means whining isn't just a form of communication - it's a means to an end.
Came across your blog while searching for fall decorating. WOW! Your home is beautiful and your photography is stunning. I can't walk away from my computer. You have inspired me!
This is really cute. And Charles Schultz is one of my favorites, too. You mentioned the that you covered the front with cardboard and paper, then modpodged it. How did you attach the cardboard - did you punch holes in it? Just wondering. :)
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