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Saturday, December 8, 2012

25 Days of Christmas - Day 8

25 Days of Christmas  - Day 8

 Finally, something a little different. Today, we spent the morning with members of our Girl Scout troop in downtown Pittsburgh. During the first part of our visit, we spent time with artist
Cheryl Capezzuti to help make special puppets that are to be carried in the First Night parade on New Year's Eve. Her workshop was a complete blast, and I would highly recommend them to anyone, kids and adults alike. The girls made flying creatures using foam shapes and paper mache.

Bird puppet.

Here's Lauren with her bird puppet. The finished products will be mounted on a pole, and lights and streamers will be added. They will be a site to see when they're all together!

Gingerbread houses on display.

Next, we visited the Wintergarden at PPG Place to see the gingerbread house displays. Each year, a contest is held where anyone can enter a gingerbread house. The display helps to raise money for Children's Hospital's Free Care Fund.

Lauren's Team's entry.

We broke up the troop into four teams, and each team made their own creation. Here's Lauren's teams entry.

Christmas train.

In the middle of the Wintergarden, a train travels through villages made of gingerbread.

 Gingerbread houses at the Wintergarden.

Here are some of the more impressive entries. I'd love to be able to spend the whole day taking photos of the displays. Maybe next year!

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