My goal for this weekend was to buy some new clothes for Lauren. We went to Target and shopped the clearance racks. $22 for four tops and a pair of jeans. Not bad.
One thing that I didn't consider before I became a mother was the burden of baby clothes management. Out of necessity, every six months or so Lauren gets practically a whole new wardrobe. The reasons are many: The seasons change. She's growing. The clothes that do fit her become too soiled to be presentable. Of course, it's a lot of fun to pick out cute outfits, but what's not fun is the organizing and storage that comes with it. First, I have to sort her current wardrobe into 4 piles:
Clothes that are too soiled and should be pitched.
Clothes that are in decent shape and will be donated to charity.
Clothes that are out of season, but so cute that I can't part with them (Plus, having another female child in the future is not completely outside the realm of possibility).
Clothes that are currently still wearable.
Clothes that are saved get rotated to the bottom drawer of her dresser. The clothes that were in the bottom drawer are then rotated to a Rubbermaid container kept in her closet. Then I have to get the clothes to be tossed into the garbage and the clothes to be donated to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.
I go through the same process for my own clothes every year or so. In either case, it's not a chore I look forward.
Moving on to a non-Lauren story: Last night, after Lauren went to sleep, Mark and I were watching TV and saw a commercial for a special deal for new cable subscribers where one could sign up for basic at $7.99 a month for the first few months of service. Well, we already have basic cable (It never fails to shock people that we survive with only 25 or so channels.) and pay around $12 a month. But on the ad, the announcer mentioned something about children's programming. To my knowledge, we don't get Nickelodeon or Disney, just PBS. So, I started to flip through the channels to see if something had changed.
As expected, there was no signal after I reached channel 23. But then I got to channel 67-1 (I'm not sure of the technical details as to why the channels are set up this way, but I think it has something to do with the fact that we have an HD capable TV), and the Curious George movie was playing. So now I'm curious too. I kept going.
Sex and the City was on the next channel. Then the Leonardo de Caprio tour de force,
Black Diamond. And
Cool Runnings. And then a couple of dated and unidentifiable movies, one in particular starred Ten Danson sporting a mullet.
Now here's the weird part: when I went back down through the channels, Sex and the City was gone and was replaced by what appeared to be a documentary about strippers. Curious George was replaced with dead air.
I kept flipping, only to stop at what could be described as a show with content of an extremely questionable nature. Here's the best part: every time there was a scene with dialog, the show would suddenly fast forward. The fast forwarding would stop when, uh, the
action started up again. Too funny!
A quick search on the internet revealed that these programs are all available on On Demand. So I can only guess that we are some how tapping into other people's signals.
Who knew we had such horn dogs in this neighborhood? I can't wait to see what's on TV tonight.