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Friday, October 19, 2007

Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Bah - the only fall thing around here is my Boss's Day gift. Okay, the leaves *are* finally changing, but this warm weather has got to go! It just doesn't feel right.

Earlier in the week, Mark had spotted some cheap pumpkins situated outside of an country store in North Park. So in order to kill time until our pizza was ready for pick up, we decided to stop there tonight.

The cart contained three price levels of pumpkins - $1.50, $3.50, and $6.50. We assumed that the smaller, pie making pumpkins were $1.50, while the big pumpkins were $6.50. That left the medium, mid-range pumpkins which were just right for us. We picked out five and brought them up to the counter.

Then, the lady attending to the store asked Mark, "Are those the $1.50 ones or the $3.50 ones?"

Mark replied, "I think that they're the $3.50 ones."

After we finished loading the pumpkins into the car, Mark hands me a wad of cash and says, "I think she charged me $1.50 anyway."

Five pumpkins for $7.50. This almost beats the time we bought a Christmas tree for $5.


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