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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Viewer mailbag.


This weekend, we received a surprise Valentine's Day care package from one of our blog readers, cousin Noreen!

Just how many hearts can you find in this photo?

Lauren received a cute heart print t-shirt (It fits perfectly!), a Valentine's Day themed book and Scooby Doo stickers. Lauren especially likes the part in the book where Barbie receives a box of cookies from one of friends. Lauren is obsessed with all things cookie right now. Thanks for being so thoughtful, Noreen!

In other news, we were once again without power for about four hours today. A tree knocked down some power lines on the major road in our town, leaving half the population without power. I guess it was a nice change of pace though since we didn't half to worry about our food thawing out this time, although I could've used some thawing out myself.

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