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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas morning practice run.

Christmas morning practice run.

No, not really. Today is Mark's birthday! He is still on the good side of thirty, so I won't make any cracks about his age.

I had this evening all planned. With Lauren's help, I wrapped his presents Tuesday (Note to self - Toddlers and Scotch tape do not mix. Good thing I purchased a 4 pack!). Yesterday, when I came home from work, I baked him a cake (Pineapple Upside Down - to quote Lauren, "This is good, Mommy!"). Tonight, I was going to cook dinner and have everything prepared by the time he and Lauren arrived home.

But we all know that nothing falls into place that easily. On this of all days, I come home to find that Daisy has a tummy ache and as a result has left several "presents" of her own throughout our kitchen, leaving various stains on the hard wood floor. A half an hour later, I have the mess cleaned up in time for Mark and Lauren's arrival, but didn't have time to so much put a pot on to boil. Later, poor Mark spent most of the evening sanding the floor in order to get the stains out.

And people say that birthdays are overrated.

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