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Sunday, December 16, 2007

If you blinked, you would have missed it.

Christmas world.

Yesterday, we had a nice snow storm with just enough accumulation to make everything look pretty and white. Then overnight, rain came through, so when we woke up, all of it was gone. Word has it that we're supposed to get more snow tonight though. I can't remember the last time that we had a white Christmas here, so I'm not getting my hopes up that our yard will look like this:

Winter shed.

Spending most of the weekend on Christmas preparations. I was lamenting the amount of gifts that need to be wrapped when it dawned on me that about half haven't even arrived yet. Eep. In fact, I was greeted this afternoon by a surprise visitor - a mail carrier. Seems that the packages at our post office are piling up so much that they have to deliver some on Sunday. Anyway, I'm proud of myself for really staying up top of this year's holiday tasks and not procrastinating. If all goes to plan, we won't be out on Christmas Eve looking for gift cards or staying up past midnight wrapping gifts.

And on that note, I better hop to it!

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